
What’s Happening in the World of Expat Taxes?

Reporting Foreign Rental Income

April 14, 2020
The U.S. treats foreign rental properties in the same manner it treats domestic rental properties — when the property in question is owned by a U.S. citizen or green card holder. Expats who invest in rental properties while living abroad must report earned rental income on U.S. taxes. The matter can be confusing since there are many intricacies, depending on the country where the property is owned.
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Foreign Money

Foreign Bank Account Reporting Requirements

June 3, 2019
The U.S. requires citizens to pay taxes on money they earned, even if they are living overseas. This simple truth also applies to foreign assets, including foreign bank accounts. Learn when expats are responsible for reporting foreign bank accounts and other assets, foreign bank account reporting (FBAR) filing requirements, and how Expat CPA can help.
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Tax Tips For Americans Living In England

May 20, 2019
If you live and work in the U.K., then you should pay only U.K. taxes, right? If you're an American expat, this faulty line of thinking may lead to thousands of dollars in penalties for missed tax obligations. American citizens must file U.S. taxes, even if they live and work in the U.K.
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E-Commerce Sales Tax

May 17, 2019
E-commerce used to be exempt from the sales tax that would affect brick-and-mortar businesses, but that’s no longer the case. Brush up on e-commerce sales tax rules to make sure you’re running your business by the books and avoiding a hefty fine or lawsuit from non-compliance.
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